Eduardo Nieto
Lawyer. Partner

Eduardo Nieto
Lawyer. Partner
He leads the Employment Department at BSK (San Sebastián office) since 2009.
He specialises in employment law, specifically in relation to contractual issues, litigation, administrative and penalty procedures established by the Employment and Social Security Inspectorate, collective bargaining, occupational accidents and employment relations in the public sector.
He is also a professional arbitrator appointed by the Employment Relations Council to handle collective labour disputes and non-application of employment conditions stipulated in Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Since 2015, he has lectured in Employment Law at the University of Deusto.
Academic background
Graduate in Law from the University of the Basque Country.
Work experience
BSK Legal & Fiscal since 2009
University of Deusto since 2015
Cuatrecasas from 2003 to 2009
San Sebastián Courts from 2001 to 2003