Commercial contracts

Our clients value our commitment to reflect the reality of their business in the terms of our contracts, and emphasis and thoroughness with which we protect and defend their interests, anticipating future conflicts.

It is difficult to capture in words what our businessmen and women want to accomplish, and still more difficult to identify the ideal legal business for their projects, but the truth is that we achieve that and our clients appreciate that effort.

We work as artisans of Law, regardless of whether it's commercial representation operations, more or less typical (as agencies or distributions) or more sophisticated contracts, whether by their complexity and their importance (manufacture, supply, purchase commercial representation, sales, concession of use, license, mandate, confidentiality, turnkey, technology transfer).

From the area of Contracts, we participate in the definition, drafting, negotiation, modification and execution of all kinds of associative formulas, either temporary associations or consortia arrangements, whether joint ventures in their broad or narrow sense.

Our team has an excellent background in Civil and Commercial Law, forged both nationally and internationally, and their experience enables them to detect the risks of the operation from the beginning, seeking support from their colleagues from Fair Trading and Unfair Competition, International and Fiscal (taxation of a particular legal business can sometimes be optimised). 

Behind every history there is a professional